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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hot Paraguayan fan Larissa Riquelme will run naked in the streets

Paraguayan model Larissa Riquelme
World Cup babe and Paraguayan super fan Larissa Riquelme has finally spoken. The woman whose scantily clad body has appeared in every newspaper, sports site and blog around the world revealed this nugget of information. If her home country of Paraguay wins the World Cup, she will run naked in the streets or as she gently put it; “my body painted with the colors of Paraguay”.
PHOTOS: Paraguayan babe at World Cup invents the “Cell Phone Bra”
Immediately every heterosexual male around the globe did two things
-Displayed their Paraguayan flag outside their home with pride
-Bought a direct flight to Asuncion for the day of the World Cup Final
By the way, this girl is a genius. She essentially used the World Cup (and her heaving breasts for that matter) for free advertising. Considering FIFA’s strict rules on what they deemed, “gorilla marketing” techniques, it’s a wonder how their band of Gestapo haven’t outlawed cameramen from taking pictures of her.
PHOTOS: The ultimate guide to the sexy fans of the World Cup nations
Speaking of, here’s more photos of her from the Paraguayan win over Japan yesterday.