Hot Paraguayan fan Larissa Riquelme will run naked in the streets

PHOTOS: Paraguayan babe at World Cup invents the “Cell Phone Bra”
Immediately every heterosexual male around the globe did two things
-Displayed their Paraguayan flag outside their home with pride
-Bought a direct flight to Asuncion for the day of the World Cup Final
By the way, this girl is a genius. She essentially used the World Cup (and her heaving breasts for that matter) for free advertising. Considering FIFA’s strict rules on what they deemed, “gorilla marketing” techniques, it’s a wonder how their band of Gestapo haven’t outlawed cameramen from taking pictures of her.
PHOTOS: The ultimate guide to the sexy fans of the World Cup nations
Speaking of, here’s more photos of her from the Paraguayan win over Japan yesterday.
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